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Monopoly and competition Definition, Structures, Performance, & Facts

write the meaning of monopoly

During this period, no other telecommunications company was allowed to compete with AT&T because the government erroneously believed the market could only support one producer. It is helpful to distinguish the related ideas of market conduct and market performance. Market conduct refers to the price and other market policies pursued by sellers, in terms both of their aims and of the way in which they coordinate their decisions and make them mutually compatible.

By average cost pricing, the price and quantity are determined by the intersection of the average cost curve and the demand curve.[75] This pricing scheme eliminates any positive economic profits since price equals average cost. Regulation of this type has not been limited to natural monopolies.[75] Average-cost pricing does also have some disadvantages. Industries vary with respect to the ease with which new sellers can enter them.

In addition to barriers to entry and competition, barriers to exit may be a source of market power. Barriers to exit are market conditions that make it difficult or expensive for a company to end its involvement with a market. High liquidation costs are a primary barrier to exiting.[16] Market exit and shutdown are sometimes separate events. The decision of whether to shut down or operate is not affected by exit barriers.[citation needed] A company will shut down if the price falls below minimum average variable costs.

Historical monopolies

As with collusive conduct, market shares are determined with reference to the particular market in which the company and product in question is sold. It does not in itself determine whether an undertaking is dominant but work as an indicator of the states of the existing competition within the market. The Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (HHI) is sometimes used to assess how competitive an industry is.

In Boston, Red Sox baseball tickets can only be resold legally to the team. You’re probably familiar with the word monopoly, but you may not recognize its conceptual and linguistic relative, the much rarer oligopsony. Both monopoly and oligopsony are ultimately from Greek, although monopoly passed through Latin before being adopted into English. Another related word is monopsony, used for a more extreme oligopsony in which there is only a single buyer. The new entrants have to face several challenges while trying to enter a monopolist market. Such challenges include high startup costs, specialized technologies, high government restrictions, complex business contracts, restricted purchase of raw materials, etc.

  1. A startup enthusiast who enjoys reading about successful entrepreneurs and writing about topics that involve the study of different markets.
  2. With generally only one seller controlling the production and distribution of a good or service, other firms cannot enter the market.
  3. The Herfindahl–Hirschman Index (HHI) is sometimes used to assess how competitive an industry is.
  4. Barriers to exit are market conditions that make it difficult or expensive for a company to end its involvement with a market.
  5. Such challenges include high startup costs, specialized technologies, high government restrictions, complex business contracts, restricted purchase of raw materials, etc.

High Sunk costs

The monopolist firm aims to maximize its profits owing to no rivalry and lack of consumer choices. This is the major reason a monopolist firm wants to continue enjoying its monopoly. The monopolist firms strive to earn abnormal (or supernormal) profits. The monopolist also takes into consideration laws of costs while determining the prices.

Characteristics of Monopoly Market

write the meaning of monopoly

This firm faces no competition due to which it can set its own prices, thereby exercising full control over the market. The monopolist aims to generate high profits by selling products (or services) that do not have close substitutes. Having control over the supply of the commodity he possesses the market power to set the price. If there is to be monopoly, the cross elasticity of demand between the product of the monopolist and the product of any other seller must be very small. With generally only one seller controlling the production and distribution of a good or service, other firms cannot enter the market. Potential entrants to the market are at a disadvantage because the monopoly has the first-mover advantage and can lower prices to undercut a potential newcomer and prevent them from gaining market share.

Price discrimination exists if a firm charges different prices from different consumers. High price discrimination implies more control of the monopolist over the prices. Further, the elasticity of demand is also an indicator of monopoly power.

It is generally assumed that a monopolist will choose a price that maximizes profits. The single manufacturer has the power to set the prices of its products or services. The monopolist firm (price maker) may or may not charge the same price from all its consumers. The consumers (price takers) have to accept the prices set by the firm unless the government intervenes to impose a maximum price.

Regulation of a Monopolistic Market

Commerce Mates is a free resource site that presents a collection of accounting, banking, business management, economics, finance, human resource, investment, marketing, and others. Various business strategies are employed by the brand in order to retain its position as the largest owner of raw diamond sellers around the globe. Telkom is a semi-privatised, part state-owned South African telecommunications company. Deutsche Telekom is a former state monopoly, still partially state owned.

Market structures

Since all the firms, whether in perfect or in imperfect market, attempt at profit maximization, monopolistic firm will have to pay labour a wage rates that equal MRPL . Figure 16 describes the exploitation of labour under monopolistic competition at the market level. In this figure, curve D1 represents the market demand curve for labour by the monopolistic firms; curve D0 represents the market demand curve for labour by the perfectly competitive firms, and curve S1, represents the market supply curve of labour.

Under monopoly, labour market will be in equilibrium at point Em wage rate will be OW1. Monopolistic markets exist when there is a single supplier in the market which allows them to have significant pricing power due to the absence of competitors. Given that they operate as price makers—controlling the cost and supply of goods—profits are maximized, prices are inflated, and consumers have limited choices. These type of markets have spanned throughout America’s history, dominating industries from railroads to telecom given their high infrastructure costs write the meaning of monopoly and significant barriers to entry.

He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A startup enthusiast who enjoys reading about successful entrepreneurs and writing about topics that involve the study of different markets. A great example of a company using this technique to develop a monopoly is Google. In March 2024, the justice department sued Apple for monopolizing smartphone markets.

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